Saturday, April 5, 2008

PS3 Fund meet the Xbox 360

The GREAT news is that this is currently the biggest question in my life

That's right, I've had a little change of heart. It is somewhat sobering really, to think that for the first generation of gaming since Sony entered the scene, I will be opting for another company. Most people probably wouldn't understant it, but that's because most people aren't nerds. This ia a good thing.

Think of World Of Warcraft all the sudden spewing over into WWIII. Talk about a black comedy waiting to happen.

But yes, after doing a little more research on the two systems (which, to be honest, I should have done last time too. After a good two years with the '2 I ended up going Xbox, which is what made it to the dorm.) What shocked me is that the graphics competition, something that the Sony marketing execs made sure nobody thought was even worth looking into, favors the 360.

Well, not necessarily. The graphics card is more powerful in the 360, but the PS3 processor is stronger than the 360. The speculation here is that eventually game developers are going to figure out how to tap the power of the processor, and shit will hit the fan.

But that is all tea-leaf reading as of now.

The fact is that in previous generations the Sony console was game developers "primary console" for the most part, with the same games on other systems simply being "ports" of the Playstation version. This generation the 360 has that honor, at least as of now.

That honor hasn't really ever switched in one game system's lifetime.

So, as much as it pains me to say it (actually, it doesn't hurt at all, I'm still gonna have a pretty kickass waste of time) Xbox 360 it is.

Fundage count: $123.31 (won 5 dollars playing poker a night ago)


DanEcht said...

I applaud your choice.

DanEcht said...

Also: If someone could just tell Microsoft that controllers made for giants are not suitable...

joey said...

even the new smaller ones? i mean sure, the original xbox controllers were terrible, but ive never really had an issue with the "S"