Friday, April 25, 2008

Guinness is good for you!


I thought I would treat myself after a long semester of classes to a couple pints of the black stuff rather than, oh I don't know, getting shlammered (add that one to the list of choices, achilles) on some cheapy American light beer.

So I did. What came of it you ask? Ohhhh I don't know, maybe just the first morning in two weeks where I didn't have the slightest remote thought of cutting off my nose, tearing my tearducts out, and just ending it all in a blaze of allergy-ridden glory! (That was intense...)

Sure, maybe the "feel good" effect is pretty much purely psychological. But hey, apparently it has a fairly low alcohol content, and in turn, low calories!!! Seewwwwwperrr (as guys who care about the calorie content in their beer would say).

To top it off, they have some really well done commercials (without even venturing into the land of "BRILLIANT!")


calencoriel said...

welcome to the world of the Irish grandmother would be proud.

joey said...

in ireland they actually give blood donors a pint of guinness for their troubles. no kidding. something about it being high in iron

achilles3 said...

1. Guinness is my favorite beer...BUT it gives me gas. Which is weird because it actually has much less carbonation than other beer.
2. That 1st commercial was BRILLIANT!