Friday, April 25, 2008

The Best Advice Ever

From some pretty OK teachers. I'm kind of hoping that there really are other people whoh read this, because if not, it would be a sick and twisted kind of post-graduate brown nosing.

And I ain't down wit dat.

Ahem (Paraphrasing. sorry, not exactly a titanium trap):

"I smoked once in college. I had one cigarette and I liked it a lot. So I knew I should never do it again."

-- Seriously... think about that for a second. Profound I tell ya.

"If you want to save your GPA, sure maybe you should drop the class and move down. But if you want to progress as a person, I think you should stay in the class, try to learn, and not worry about the grade."

-- Some chemguy way back in junior year. Something about a rather cranky math teacher on tenure giving me a couple bad quiz grades and me asking him if it would hurt to just drop the class. I still remember my grades for that class every quarter: C, B, A, A. I guess I learned something.

"If you really want to not have any more teen pregnancies give every kid in high school a car, a job, and something to do after school. They won't have time to have sex."

-- One of those off-topic days in the school paper that once was. Really, you can't argue with that much. And trust me, I love to argue.

They don't seem as profound when I try to recite them anywhere from a 1-2 years later. The point stands, you learn a lot from people outside of biology or chemistry or... publication/photography/ad-sale?

And I could rattle on even more about other stuff like Catholic guilt, that trap door guy in everyone's head (and how one person killed him), Olympic curling, coaching sports teams that suck (but don't you dare say they suck), raising money a couple pennies (and s***load of calls) at a time, just plain having a hobby outside of your job, or making sure your job is your hobby.

But I won't. Probably because the only people reading already know about that.

See, I do remember some stuff you teach :)

//creepy foreshadowing on the picture there...and yes.. i do always look that retarded.

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

im just waitin till 2016 to try it out!