Thursday, February 28, 2008


Sorry, it's just been a hectic week. 6.5 pages yesterday, physics test tomorrow.

In other news, I am now facebook friends with Pete Carroll. Totally JACKED AND PUMPED about this and the upcoming season. I win, forever. This is quite possibly the most creative recruiting ploy I have seen out of any coach in a while (example, his "status" today was that "Pete Carroll is loving this SoCal weather! And its only February..."). That Sampson guy should take notes.

Before I get the "it's not really him" comment, there are a few reasons to believe that he is at least in some way connected with the page. First, there is the LA Times article stating such. Also, his network is "USC Staff." For those not fimiliar with the way Facebook works, your network is decided by the email you register with. Obviously for the high school pages they will accept any old domain name. For university networks though you need a corresponding .edu address. There is also his note about him attending the premier of Semi-Pro, with a picture. As much as I hate the doushebag, this is quite a smart way to look hip and down following the recent text-messaging ban.

In other news, I love lol-animals.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Midterm-ish time. Actually that just means one "midterm" paper, but I haven't written anything > 1 page in about a year.

Bare with me....

We = I... there wasn't a singular picture of this, deepest apologies...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"...I've seen everything!"

Is this real?! Patrick Stewart may have reached a new level of amazing-ness. This is tough, considering he has already been a starship captain..

Fiddle is gone

Apparently our friend south of Miami is finally calling it quits. My guess is that magically within the next month we will all hear of his "untimely death."

Is it bad that my first two reactions to this were "Cuban cigars?!" and then "Dammit!" once I read more about how there is no change in U.S. policy

Acually, those are really my only two reactions, period.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


The smell of burning ozone is in the air, its that time of year! Daytona Day! NASCAR has come a long way since the down south bootlegging days; if you ask me, those died on turn three seven years ago.

Just one look at the new "cars of tomorrow" and its obvious that this is a-whole-nother beast.

So sit back, crack open your favorite cheapo white trash beverage, and turn the volume up to full blast for the first couple turns.

This ain't yo daddy's stock car

And if you really care, my fantasy drivers (seriously...) today are as follows:

1. Jeff Gordon - Most love to hate him, I just love him. The first of the "new age" (see: no southern accent) drivers.

2. Jimmie Johnson - don't really like him, but his crew chief is a beast and he always wins so... yea...

3. Dale Jr. - didn't really like the dad, love him

4. Juan Pablo Montoya - the real-life Jean Girard, made his fame in formula UN. second year in NASCAR, I expect big things.

5. Michael Waltrip - this guy has been around since like 1955

And for those of you who watch for the crashes (who doesn't?) Daytona is the best race to watch outside of maybe Talladega:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dream Shadows --- NOT!

Can't say this is an original idea, but man... wouldn't that be neat?! Either way, check out the inspiration for these photoshop ventures... Cool concept

[EDIT: jk, those are freakin hard and i just realized my 'shop skillz are rusty and need serious work... for now enjoy these wonderful pieces of art]








Note to self: astronaut shadow looks mysteriously like clown... actually... no it doesnt.... you are just a freak....

The wonders of google-image search: tangental photoshopping

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You know what Dwight? You're acting like a dork.

Sorry guys, I did not give up blogging for Lent, I promise. I have however recently obtained a Netflix subscription to help make finding the movie for homework for my Music and Film class a little easier (not sure if I mentioned that already...). With that came free instant viewings of The Office, Seasons 1-3.

I have watched all three seasons, plus what is released so far of Season 4, in the past week.

Needless to say, this show is comedic genius. Oh, and Pam and Jim are pretty cute too.

I'm pissed I didn't start watching this like two years ago, it would have made Fridays (or is it Thursdays...) in a certain biology class a lot more interesting. I'm definitely stoked about the WGA strike ending and the show continuing just in time for me to be ready for more episodes.

Thanks for asking! Cash value, 1/100 cent

Quick, everyone who cares, tell me your favorite moment/character.

Mine: Dwight, far and away. I'm glad Karen is gone, she was kind of awkward (oh and fun fact, her Rashida Jones's real-life sister dated 2Pac). Best moment has to be anything Jim does to antagonize Dwight, including but not limited to posting his resume on every job-listing site on the internet, posing as a CIA agent sending cryptic faxes, posing as "future-Dwight," and posing as the company website on AIM. Specifically though, was Michael Scott's idea to jump off the building to demonstrate the danger's of working in an office (depression).

Now I have two TV shows I have to keep up with, shit.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

HOORAY FAT TUESDA--- awww ash wednesday :(

The most drastic 24-hour mood swing in the Christian faith: Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday (that funny day when all the Christian kids have some smudges on they foe'head) also marks the beginning of every meat-loving American's favorite 40-year span, Lent! No meat on Fridays, andddddd other stuff.

Note to self... go to church more often...

ONE THING I DO KNOW THOUGH is that it is common practice to give something up. The "religous" twist of this (in the Christian faith) is that it is to recognize the sacrifice Jesus underwent in his 40 days in the desert. Not sure about this, but I think Jews have a Lent in some form or another (help me out here echt...) but it is for the 40 years in exile.

In the past (and I don't see this changing outside of someone telling me this is completely heretical and will result in excommunication) instead of giving up something, I do something to better myself. Usually this is like actually working out every other day (the first year I did 100 pushups and 100 situps a day, talk about a solid, easy workout), doing all my homework (for 40 days, about five or so weeks straight depending on how spring break falls, that is no small feat for me) or serious spring cleaning. I'm far from a priest, but I like this because I think it really gets to the point more. It's not like Jesus was some masochistic freak or anything, so why should I torture myself just for the sake of the sacrifice?

BEHOLD, THE POINT OF THE POST! (sorry about the caps-heaviness, it's kinda my thing tonight...)

What I Am Doing For Lent
1. Workout a minimum of 2.25 hours/week. No weenie shit, good, hard lifting. Gain five pounds of solid muscle by Easter.
2. Keep anything that the police don't approve of to once a week, and only on weekends. That doesn't mean YAYAYYA CRAM IT ALL IN TO ONE NIGHT OF DEBAUCHERY!one!.
3. Go. To. Church.
4. Make mama proud.

I think if I complete 1-3, 4 will be easy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Life is rough

Gee college life is rough. Loads of homework (watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington for MUS-327, Music in Film), need to wake up bright and early at 10:30 for my CAD class tomorrow, laundry in the washer (bed sheets so they smell nice and fresh), and its 60 degrees and rainy. No sun for me today.    :(

Play for me, maestro

Ok forrealsies, maybe it isn't a cakewalk, but holy crap the fact that I'm watching a movie for a 300 level class (and blogging about it on my top of the line laptop) makes me give the college life a big two thumbs up. It is somewhat hard at first adjusting to the whole school is life kind of mindset (i.e. classes at any time of the day on weekdays, not consecutively from too-early am until 2:10 in the afternoon), but I think I'm finally at that point where going back to the "old way" would seem more awkward than now.

Ok, gotta get back to the movie. It's hard to type and watch simultaneously.

Be jealous.

I leave you with your own video to watch. Behold, the only Super Bowl Ad (SBA, if you were curious) that made me chuckle:

Talk about a slow year for commercials..

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm not even mad.

Great game, probably, no, easily the best since the Rams/Titans (oilers?) Super Bowl so many years ago.

I find it very cool that the person to catch the game-winning catch, David Tyree, had not caught a touchdown all season. The "underdog" player gave the underdog team what it needed to get over the top. It's hard not to like that.

Witness, the only good play New England made all game. A gift interception.

Generic Super Bowl Prediction Post

Patriots win, but it's a close game. Giants cover the 12 point spread.

Then again, the only Super Bowl blowout I can remember involved the G-men and a certain Ray Lewis and Co. I had more important things to do that night, like play Driver 2. Seriously. You could hijack every car in the game! Talk about endless possibilities!!

OT: I never want to hear that GTA 3 redefined gaming again. Talk about blast from the past...