Wednesday, February 6, 2008

HOORAY FAT TUESDA--- awww ash wednesday :(

The most drastic 24-hour mood swing in the Christian faith: Fat Tuesday/Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday (that funny day when all the Christian kids have some smudges on they foe'head) also marks the beginning of every meat-loving American's favorite 40-year span, Lent! No meat on Fridays, andddddd other stuff.

Note to self... go to church more often...

ONE THING I DO KNOW THOUGH is that it is common practice to give something up. The "religous" twist of this (in the Christian faith) is that it is to recognize the sacrifice Jesus underwent in his 40 days in the desert. Not sure about this, but I think Jews have a Lent in some form or another (help me out here echt...) but it is for the 40 years in exile.

In the past (and I don't see this changing outside of someone telling me this is completely heretical and will result in excommunication) instead of giving up something, I do something to better myself. Usually this is like actually working out every other day (the first year I did 100 pushups and 100 situps a day, talk about a solid, easy workout), doing all my homework (for 40 days, about five or so weeks straight depending on how spring break falls, that is no small feat for me) or serious spring cleaning. I'm far from a priest, but I like this because I think it really gets to the point more. It's not like Jesus was some masochistic freak or anything, so why should I torture myself just for the sake of the sacrifice?

BEHOLD, THE POINT OF THE POST! (sorry about the caps-heaviness, it's kinda my thing tonight...)

What I Am Doing For Lent
1. Workout a minimum of 2.25 hours/week. No weenie shit, good, hard lifting. Gain five pounds of solid muscle by Easter.
2. Keep anything that the police don't approve of to once a week, and only on weekends. That doesn't mean YAYAYYA CRAM IT ALL IN TO ONE NIGHT OF DEBAUCHERY!one!.
3. Go. To. Church.
4. Make mama proud.

I think if I complete 1-3, 4 will be easy.


calencoriel said...

So, does your mom give lessons on how to raise a Joey?

...b/c I want one.

achilles3 said...

number 4 rocks!

Grace said...

I never did understand how giving up chocolate for a month was supposed to make you a better Christian....