Monday, February 4, 2008

Life is rough

Gee college life is rough. Loads of homework (watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington for MUS-327, Music in Film), need to wake up bright and early at 10:30 for my CAD class tomorrow, laundry in the washer (bed sheets so they smell nice and fresh), and its 60 degrees and rainy. No sun for me today.    :(

Play for me, maestro

Ok forrealsies, maybe it isn't a cakewalk, but holy crap the fact that I'm watching a movie for a 300 level class (and blogging about it on my top of the line laptop) makes me give the college life a big two thumbs up. It is somewhat hard at first adjusting to the whole school is life kind of mindset (i.e. classes at any time of the day on weekdays, not consecutively from too-early am until 2:10 in the afternoon), but I think I'm finally at that point where going back to the "old way" would seem more awkward than now.

Ok, gotta get back to the movie. It's hard to type and watch simultaneously.

Be jealous.

I leave you with your own video to watch. Behold, the only Super Bowl Ad (SBA, if you were curious) that made me chuckle:

Talk about a slow year for commercials..

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

enjoy it while you can...
the real world sux.
well for most people.

its good for me;-)