Saturday, April 26, 2008

Brand Nizzle.

Talk about a "it's finals week and I don't want to write about music in films anymore" post... but anywho. A Behind the Music of sorts, if you don't mind...

Brand New (band name) rocks. No, they aren't new. No, they don't have a CD coming out anytime soon, though I did find some new singles/b-side tracks, one of which is youtube-d at the bottom. What they are though, is really good.

You want to talk about a band that reinvents itsself? How about one that gained popularity for its pop/punk single (Jude Law and a Semester Abroad) back in 2000, and has since come to a song called "Jesus Christ," about...well... who the hell knows what.

^^Listen to these two bad boys. Just the first 30 seconds even and you'll get the idea, even though both are solid in their own right.

Seriously, give them a chance. It kind of surprises me that they haven't had more wide spread popularity, maybe the "emo" tag wards them away from mainstream fame. Some of their songs are crap, sure, but not many. Especially as you progress forward, just check the allmusic reviews for each album, clearly one reviewer is sold.

Just to give you an idea of the evolution, I'm going to separate bits of each album into three separate seeqpods

Your Favorite Weapon:

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Deja Entendu (The whole album, expect one song, which is live...):

SeeqPod - Playable Search

The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me (winner: most Badass album title of all time, only selections here again):

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Lots of stuff here...and I'm sure you will all for the most part be like "wow, this sucks ass" the first time you listen. Just give it some time if you are curious. A lot the draw is lyrical.

And yes, Your Favorite Weapon is a very average album, I know.


achilles3 said...

true story...Amanda Buchanan's sister had a lil thing for me (she was in college) and burned me a bunch of great music that I listened to non stop. The CD covers had the names of the bands and everything but when I put them on my laptop the titles didn't come over.

SO...I knew that the "Brand New" songs she put on there were good, but I never knew which ones OR just how good. NOW I know.

Thanks JG!

Anonymous said...

Joe Blow... great band. I'll argue with you on this one. I feel like they really came into their best with the latest album. Good title, good album artwork, and yes good music. It's weird and creepy as nuts sometimes but the critics loved it and so did I. I think they get hated on alot more than they deserve. Not many bands could put together such an album as the last. While it's semi under the radar, I think people will look back and notice its greatness a lot more in the future.

joey said...

Always glad to be of service.

Yea I agree, the albumbs have progressively gotten better. It would just be creepy for me to say I love the last one the most. Oh well, its out there. Yea, even the front cover is sufficiently creepy, and I think it may be about the true meaning of "Limousine" Wikipedia that shit if you are curious.

Thats probably why I like them. Nothing is explained... its like a big puzzle for grown ups.