Thursday, November 15, 2007


I hate using such a hyperbolous (is that even a real word??) title as I did here with "Wow," but nothing else really seemed to fit. That was all that came to my mind. Apparently, right under everyones nose, someone Potentially (with a capital P) could have had the most monumental scientific discovery since that whole E=mc^2 thing.

And this guy surfs. But only in the summer. Because well, in the winter he likes to snowboard.

A little background from someone who admittedly knows less than other people reading this may. Basically, ever since scientists discovered they could split atoms (circa post WWII) there has been an effort to unify every "theory" of the universe into one simple (heh, relatively speaking) equation. The first person to really attempt this head on and get anywhere close is Einstein. But even he just cracked the surface before his death.
Blah, blah, blah, years pass by, and String Theory becomes the most accepted (or at least the most talked about) "theory of everything." The problem is, String Theory proposes that there are ten dimensions to the universe, and we are living in one.

Seriously, ten. Even George Lucas would have to say, "Let's be real guys." And there is that whole thing were String Theory divides particles into such infintesimally small "strings" (hence the name) that even in this modern age there is no possible way to collect any data to prove or disprove it. The term theory was used very liberally here.

So, November 6th, 2007 rolls around and a dude called Garrett Lisi (remember the name) releases his paper, "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything." (If you want to read it, and good luck, click the PDF button on the right of the page-linked). After reading it you may think that he forgot to add the whole "Simple" part into the equation. Basically, rather than ten dimensions, Lisi was able to use the slightly-less-acid-trip-induced idea of just using this one space-time dimension we humans call home.

Pretty outrageous stuff. If it really works. I mean, on the scientific timeline, this thing isn't even in the second trimester yet, so who knows.

Just throwin' some knowledge out there for yalls.

Oh, and Berry is juiced...btw.

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

Gave it a look...

Not bad.