Thursday, November 1, 2007

A special shout-out

Well kinda...

I've been meaning to get a picture of this up here like all year, but have never really remembered to grab a camera when needed. Well, lucky me now finally has a camera phone, so I was able to snap an admittedly low-quality shot.

I hope [person#91858327] doesn't mind the back of his head being displayed to the masses.

In the "mine's bigger" dept. I present to you, the periodic table.


calencoriel said...

Damnit, I'm going to have to deal with the PO from Dusch asking for a Periodic Table as big as that one...

PHSChemGuy said...

Size does matter, Madame Dept Chair...I'm gonna need a bigger table now...

achilles3 said...

I'm just happy to see you, noble gasses.

joey said...

OH and i forgot to mention. each element has a backlight that can be lit by a switchboard on the front desk.

not gonna lie, i discovered that little nugget by playing what-does-this-button-do