Friday, November 9, 2007

Before I hit the road...

I wanted to do this for a while and now is the perfect time. A little parting gift. The "first 10 songs on shuffle" game. However, instead of an iPod, just my Windows Media Player (5,638 songs ( all legally aquired, of course!!))

1.) Never Enough - Eminem; Eh, filler song on his "Encore" album. This album probably is a case study for those who argue that Em only got big "beacuse of Dre's beats." Can't argue with that here...
(3 stars out of 5)

2.) Me and My Shadow - Frank Sinatra; Ahh thats more like it. Frankie S. in a duet with Sammie Davis Jr. Vintage recording and all, very quality stuff from the Crooner era
(4 out of 5).

3.) Mistakes We Knew We Were Making - Mae; Talk about a band you have to be in the right mood to listen to. Good "happy music," for like, homework, or folding clothes, or something. Not soft enough to really fall asleep too but not loud enough to really wake up with. Also, one of many songs I generically file under "indie".
(3 out of 5)

4.) Cool Kids - Screeching Weasel; A little guilty pleasure punk rock. Cute song too.
(4 out of 5)

5.) The Sounds of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel; One of the songs I aquired legally for Stinky (aka the "pale chick"). Great song to go along with one of my more favorite old movies. Art Garfunkel will always have a special place in my heart, too, as we both tried to bring the white-boy fro to popular acceptance. We both failed, too.
(4 out of 5)

6.) Really the Blues - Artie Shaw; I was wondering when some jazz was going to come up. I have a solid 15 hours worth and all, so it was only a matter of time (no pun intended). Artie Shaw is one of the good ones, right up there with Louis Armstrong and (dare I say) Wynton Marsalis. Yes, Marsalis is that good.
(4 out of 5)

7.) I'll Back You Up (Live) - Dave Matthews; Heh, I just checked out of curiosity, and I have the same amount of music from one artists as I do from an entire genre (Dave Mattews : Jazz, both 15hrs.) Yeesh, I didn't know it was that bad. This song leans heavily toward the instrumental aspect of Dave, similar to the recently released Radio City Concert (which is OUTSTANDING by the way... yea... like my opinion on Dave holds a lot of weight now...)
(4 out of 5)

8.) I'd Wait a Million Years - The Grass Roots; HOLY CRAP THAT KEYBOARD HURTS THE EARRSSS!!! File this song under "songs I aquired legally many a moon ago and forgot about until it just came on." Not terrible, but far from good. And it's never a good sign when the sound of an instrument causes physical pain. Probably an EQ issue on my end, but hooolllleeee crap.
(2 out of 5)

9.) Amazed - Lonestar; Nothing like a little good ole' generic 90s country. It pulls at the heartstrings
(3 out of 5)

10.) Let it Out - Pillar; Huh? I think this one was sort of a package deal with the whole CD, because I seriously do not recognize this. The band is definitely one of the top three Christian rock bands out there (third smartest kid with downs syndrome!) . (2 out of 5)

Overall, quite the lucky shuffle. I aim for a gaussian curve in relation to my ratings (lots of threes, 2 and 4 are within the 1st-ish standard deviation, 1 and 5 are the "rest), so pretty good on the whole here. And yes, seriously, I am that big of a nerd. I'm in engineering, what did you expect?!


achilles3 said...

LOVE this!
I need to shuffle up and try!

Anonymous said...

mae is in no way indie. you're welcome for sounds of silence, and i feel like you should credit your apparent new love for the graduate to me also!