Monday, March 24, 2008

Boo end of spring break

Back to school, freshly stocked with mass goodies and a little over a month to go, with enough work to keep me busy for a little over a year probably. Sweet. I'm going to try to post something on here every day from here until the end of the year (and yes, I'll try to get out of the "don't post at home" habit and keep it going through the summer). Sure, it isn't going to be groundbreaking theories on life or anything, but I'll try to keep it entertaining and/or informative.

With that, what I did over break (as best as I can remember):


In honor of St. Patrick's Weekend (a result of discrepancies in the exact day of celebration), I took Stinky out to the Claddagh Irish Pub in Mason. Good as always, and on the way out the manager gave me a free appetizer and desert coup' for if I return by April 30th. I'm a sucker, I'm sure I'll be there again. After that, back to the house to watch Donnie Darko. Too much buildup, not enough payoff. I'll probably criticker it about an 85.

Yay, happy St. Patrick's Day! I did.... absolutely nothing. I think I started the Bengal's Madden '08 dynasty (TJ, J. Smith, Rudi, etc. all gone. I freed up ton's of cap space, traded for two first round picks, got a rookie WR and DE and built up the team from there. Note to those who care: Kenny Irons is not the answer at RB). The projector is doing wonderfully.

Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain...

Rain rain rain rain rain. Oh, and I went out and bought a coffee grinder finally. The fact that I never had one before baffled me. While at Target I was looking through the video games and (*gasp*) nothing caught my eye. Instead I went with The Measure of a Man, the autobiography of Sidney Poitier. I've always liked reading about what famous people have to say for themselves, and the movie class I'm taking has exposed me a little bit more to Poitier, a pretty cool actor. So far he seems like a good guy, too. More on that later, I'm sure.

The three most uneventful days of my life. I meant to visit the old school then, but apparently both Wednesday and Thursday were early releases, meaning I had to wake up earlier than 11:30 to really visit. Dangit. The good news is that school is over at the beginning of May. I'll definitely make it back after that.

Woke up feeling like I was about to have a heart attack. Mildly scary moment considering my intake of caffine. The whole shoulder pain, pukey feeling. As it turns out, sleeping on your stomach with both arms kinda, above your head? is a bad idea. Especially when my right shoulder is double-jointed (is this a real medical term? or is it just exessive flexibility?). My shoulder was in the "popped out" mode all night, gradually pinching on a nerve for about 8 hours. Not fun to wake up with.

After that little self-diagnosis I sat on the couch all day with an ice pack and watched the first couple episodes of Season 1 of Dexter on Netflix. Definitely a fun show, though I'm not sure how they are going to show it on network TV without making it become CSI Jr.

Spent the day working on the sister-and-husband's future duplex. Long story short, some old lady lived there for 30 years and the guy just collected rent on it. Old ladies never complain (or redecorate) so he never had to put money into it. Now that she moved out, the thing looks like a timecapsule from 1973. Were talking one grounded plug in the whole place, no cable, no shower. It's like our own little Trading Spaces or something, because the renter pretty much told us he will pay all the expenses of recarpeting/painting/decorating-in-general, without charging rent while the place is being updated. I'm kinda disappointed I'm missing the fun.

One room after carpet removal and a little cleaning of the ceiling. I wish I had a before picture, because wow the carpet looked something like this, but worse.

Easter at grandma's. Ham was eaten.

Went to get some shopping done for the room. With the Easter money I got myself some Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee (not a blend or anything, the real stuff). I'm definitely about to use my new grinder and make some right after I post this bad boy!

That's about all I can think of right now. I hope all you teaching types (or student types, if any of you read this...) at P-town have a nice break this week. Just don't sleep wrong, it puts a damper on a day.

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

Sidney was amazing in A Raisin in the Sun!