Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A not-so-original idea

I want someone to make a website for me. The problem is, that this is a lot more than a website... let me explain.

I love criticker. The premise isn't too hard to grasp. Basically, you go in, they list a bunch of movies, and you rate them all on (at most) a 1-100 scale. I say at most because the algorithm they use is pretty ingenius. Basically, it then takes all your ratings and weights them based on their percentile in your entire collection of rated movies. So, if you felt like being a big doushebag, you could rate them all 1-10, the system would adjust accordingly over time (At least i think so...). But I digress.

Criticker then takes all of your comparisions, and puts it up against the rest of the user database. Through some intense comparision stuff (which I'm thinking is roughly the math equvilant to shining two scantrons up against a light to check for differences) you are then matched with both other users who have the same taste as you and movies that said users like, the theory being that you would in turn dig them.

It's also a fun to see how much your tastes differ with your girlfriend's taste. Seriously, I'm terrible to go to Blockbuster with. But again I digress.

I want a music site that does this same thing. Before you all start linking Pandora, I'm not talking the same thing. Pandora is great if I want to sit down and listen to music that eventually, with a lot of thumb up/down action, I may like.

I want a website that will:
1.) Not require me (but certainly have the capability) to listen to new bands. I'm thinking more text based.
2.) Show me artists, not songs, that match my taste (Pandora falls short here, darn copyright laws).
3.) Allow me to compare my artist ratings with other users. Enter the "my girlfriend has a terrible taste in music" argument :)
4.) Do these three things really well, like criticker.

I'm thinking this equation would be something like

[ + + (.5*]/3

It really isn't that hard. The grunt work has already been laid out, someone just needs to put it all together.

And let me know. :)


Anonymous said...

you are ridiculous to go to blockbuster with haha and i do NOTTT have terrible taste in music.

PHSChemGuy said...

The whole concept of anonymous is to not identify yourself...

I'm thinking that you've made it a little obvious, girly...

And, Joey, I'm still waiting for my for books...I made my request first, so until I get mine, yours is on the back burner...