Tuesday, March 4, 2008

101 Posts!

This now offically ranks in the top 5 for "Minutia that I have stuck with," along with Starcraft, Photoshop (well, kinda...) and biting my fingernails (#1, and it's not even close).

I leave you with my latest musical choices:

Johnny Cash live at [Prision]

This one is from his San Quentin concert. Cute song too, before he got all doom and gloom, not that that is a bad thing of course.


Music is Math! Especially in this song. Interesting video that shows just how in depth some of tool's songs are. I'm sure some long-haired patchouli-stink guy probably named Ian (bonus points if you get the reference) has a theory on why this song solves life, but I'll just leave it at a simple "numbers are fun".

Speaking of which, off to math. Today it looks to be applications of double integrals.


achilles3 said...

I'm a huge Tool fan so thanks for that sweet ass post...
I wanna be as cool as Tool one day

calencoriel said...

High Fidelity...LOVE John Cusack!!