Thursday, May 15, 2008

The part where I review popular media.

Hmm, where to begin...

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I can't remember if its Sara or Sarah, but honestly I really don't care. That is a great summary of the entire movie. Forgetable. The musical parts were actually very well done (the main character is a songwriter for a crappy TV show, who his ex, Sara(h) Marshall, is the star of), and there was a girl that looked a lot like what Michelle Rodriguez would look like if she wasn't such a tomboy (see: better than the Jessicas.). Other than that, your everyday young adult comedy.

As sort of a side note... it seemed like the director was on some kind of a weird mission to make Americans not feel as creepy about seeing penises on camera. It was odd, like the first time he showed it there was just a quick glance, then as the movie went on that glance evolved into nearly a complete scene of just naked dude. Sweet, but no thanks. I think I may need to go on a Hawaiaan retreat just to forget that now....

2/5 awkward moments

Death At A Funeral

Why are British comedies so damn funny sometimes? People sometimes refer to America as being a little brother of sorts to England/UKoGBaNI. It shows best in our sense of humor. UKoGBaNI brought us The Office, America brings us Flavor of Love. UKoGBaNI brings us Death At A Funeral, America brings us Weekend at Bernies. But I digress...

Seriously, this is a funny movie. Full of black humor (my favorite) since, well, it does take place at a funeral. There are the normal characters like the cranky old uncle that nobody wants to take care of anymore, the wildly successful brother that nobody ever talks to anymore, and even the more contemporary "funeral crasher". However, this takes it a step further and throws in the guy-who-accidentally-took-major-hallucinagens and the gay-lover-of-the-dead-father-nobody-knew-about.

Good times. Many lol moments, which are rare for me when I'm not watching The Office. Recommended

5/5 Bangers and mash

Rome: Total War

I can't really think of anyone who would really care about this one for two reasons. One, about 95% of you aren't nearly as big of a nerd as me (yes, that is meant to sound condescending, so THERE) and two, this game has been out for almost five years now, so that train has come and gone.

But anywho, this game really, really rocks my socks. It is like Civilization meets Dynasty Warriors meets Starcraft, minus all the excessive stuff nobody likes about those games. Plus Spartain warriors, which at that point is just icing on the cake.

Basically, you are the supreme dictator for life (a position I am always attracted to) of one of history's great empires. It is your goal to rule the world, mainly through conquest by using your armies of men and animals (like horses and elephants and stuff) that can number into the thousands. It all makes for very good visuals, like Lord of the Rings type battles. The tension is all heightened by a pretty impressive soundtrack (for a video game...) and sound effects. Destruction has never been so fun.

It is also what has held me back from buying my ps360, which my bank account appreciates.

5/5 Onager smashes to the walls of Sparta

That is all for now. Since I obviously suck at keeping updated, I am thinking of stockpiling massive short quips, and putting a timed release on them so there is at least something new to look at. No, this doesn't take the place of my glory, I'll still post actual blogs just as much (relative term) as I do now. In the end, it'll work out well for both of us.

It's not you, it's me. I dunno why I said that, it just seemed like a good thing to do.

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