Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another side of me

No, not in the creepy kind of way.

I have a little side hobby in digital art and post some of my work over on a little website called Deviant Art. It's a fun little site where anyone of varying skill levels, from honestly pretty crappy to professional can post some of their work and recieve some good encouragement, constructive criticism, or just the pleasure of anonymously (well, as much as the internetz offers at least) presenting a different side of them.

I tend towards the "honestly pretty crappy" and "pleasure of presenting (relatively) anonymously" side of things. But hey, it's still fun.

Some of the stuff has already been posted here, some of it a few of you will recognize from a certain school publication, other of it just plain sucks. Even a blind squirrel strikes oil sometimes though (or finds a nut, whichever comes first), so check it out maybe.

I'll tack it to the good ole' sidebar from now on so as to ease the hassle of stalking.

When you see it, you'll shit bricks. (idk... some internet mimi, like the chick in the drew carrey show. yes. that scary...

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