Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The conversation went something like this

In fye (holy crap so expensive), Stinky and I, talking about music.

Me - "Eliminate one of these three" Holding out Stevie Ray Vaughan's Greatest Hits, Garth Brook's Greatest Hits (his new 2 CD/DVD one), and Tool's Schism DVD

Stinky - "I dunno... they all kinda suck."

"Ok. I guess I'll put Stevie Ray Vaughan back" It was the most expensive one, I was trying to stay under my gift card limit "You at least respect him as a musican though, right?"

"Eh, can't say I like him."

"Yea, sure, but I mean, you respect him, right? He is like one of the greatest guitarists of all time..."

"Eh, not really."



At this point I stomp back, grab the SRV album, throw Garth in some random area. I think I may have made a small scene.

"Never say you know anything about music again."

Moral of the story, never tell your girlfriend that she should never speak of a topic again. If you do, don't expect her to hold your hand. Corrollary: I probably should have just put the Schism DVD back. Yea... that was dumb...

Until then though, suck on this:

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Disclaimer: Stinky really does have a good music taste and stuff for the most part. Hopefully either a) She stopped reading this months ago or b) She will take this well :)


achilles3 said...

Oh Stinky...I don't know many girls that can appreciate Tool.

As far as taking my girlfriend shopping and having her help me choose my That's just wrong.

joey said...

yea i kinda figured the tool would be a lost cause...

along with garth...

PHSChemGuy said...

Can we at least get a little "Life by the Drop" to show the other side of SRV, too?

cmorin said...

Good call chemguy.

Anonymous said...

you have awful taste in music!!!