Friday, May 9, 2008

I gotta get my weight up...

Literally and figureatively.


As I anticipated, with the end of the school year came a sharp decline in the will to do anything involving, well, anything. That has basically included this sweet ass blog. Lo siento.


With that incredible (and admittedly, somewhat annoying) influx of having no current direction in life (the pool opens memorial day... until then, I'm basically like a big rotting stump..), I have tried to seriously focus on working out. I'm talking, NFL combine preparation working out.

It actually feels pretty good. So far this week has been more of a restore status quo kinda thing since I haven't done much since before finals week, but I have already done more cardio than I have in all of 2008 combined. With the latest 40 cent increase in Texas tea, I have seriously honest-to-god considered taking my insurance money from my car (it got totaled last summer, long story, mildly interesting, maybe for another blog post) and plunking it down for a road bike. I feel like it would kill two problems at once.

What does this entail, you ask? Well, there is the focus on both lifting and cardio as I already mentioned. Also, in an effort to keep oh I dunno, improving?, on my mind, I got a nifty little piece of freeware called Even Fit that can track all the stuff I do, from strength training, to running and biking, as well as my calorie count and resting heart rate, if need be. Being that I'm somewhat of a science nerd, and a lot of a numbers freak, "quantitative data on my own body really revs my engine" (put that on t-shirt).

I have consciously drank more water this week than I did all school year. Right now I'm chalking that one up to not having a coffee pot sitting next to me 6 hours out of the day, but the benefits are still there. I've also gone out and bought steak and tuna and stuff to grill because a.) Grilling is my only hobby in life other than video games, two) I love steak and III.) Protein is good or something, I dunno.

I figure I have until about June 6th-ish until I have a full time job, and with how long I have been at the same level (See: all school year) a lot of ground can be made if I just seriously focus on it. I'm somewhat stoked.

//And yes, that picture has nothing to do with anything. I'm more just asking if I look most like a chinese communist ruler? Stewie Griffin would be so proud...

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