Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why yes, I AM listening to Justin Timberlake right now...

I Don't Miss:

Waking up any earlier than 9AM. I knew having later classes would help a little, but it's like night and day (is that a pun?). I think every teacher I've ever had (see: you people reading this for the most part) would agree that, sans coffee, I am a zombie.

Other Updates:

I finally got a job, hurrah. Forreal though I'm pretty stoked. It's not so much that I love having money as much as I like not being broke constantly (there is a difference). For those curious, I have been reunited with a job in the public maintainence category. This time instead of sweeping up puke at an amusement park, I'll be sweeping up puke in my dorm. I bet not many people have puke as a common denominator in their various occupations.

First recorded spew in my dorm. That's the RA in the back there, about to judo-chop a fool.


calencoriel said... you only have to work if someone pukes or are you doing general custodial work in general?

joey said...

general custodial work in both cases. the puke is just the memorable part... that and when i found one crusty dollar in the bottom of my trash bin at KI one day after a 6 hour shift. that was pretty cool.

calencoriel said...

jesus...I said "general custodial work in general"...what the heck is wrong with me?

achilles3 said...

i have great RA stories with puke in them