Monday, January 28, 2008

Watch me continue to beat the horse

After a healthy amount of sluthing around the interwebz, I found a little nugget of information that states that school board membership starts and ends with a new year. It also just so happens that (if you haven't noticed lately) 2007 has become 2008, and one person in particular seems to have expired his/her time (I'll leave that bit of "where's Waldo" to those who care enough).

Having a vested interest in figuring out whether or not this was true, I have searched up and down to see who the new incumbents are, but have had absolutely no luck. The best I can find is a January 14th meeting PDF file stating that there was a reception for new board members (how quaint), but not who these people are. Now, I know that school board positions are usually about as highly contested as the Hamilton County Auditor, but it would still be nice to have somewhere to look and easily see that information.

So I ask the audience, any changes in the glorious five from the list linked above? And if not, I'm pretty sure a few of us know who to contact to give a slight nudge to update the expiration dates.

P.S. - If you haven't already noticed, I'm pretty much in that frustrated stage of now being old enough to vote and be heard, while at the same time having no control over what has happened up to this point. Most refer to this as "youthful idealism." Don't worry, I'm sure this stage will pass like the rest, but until then, let me have my fun.

P.P.S. - The more I think about it, the more the whole situation down in P-town front office urks me. And trust me, it already urked me quite a bit. First off, according to the list linked, 4/5 of a school board representing a district of ~42,000 (I looked it up...) all live in the same city. Sure, thats nit-picky at best, but in a district that prides itsself on diversity, this is a bit hypocritical. I will admit though, at least its not Evendale or Lincoln Heights (in terms of polar ends of the spectrum).
Secondly, sure the numerous familial relationships between the former (and maybe still current?) President within the district are not illegal or anything (nor should it be), but it still doesn't quite sit right. I'll be honest, it hasn't since I was still a student but I felt too involved with the whole situation to bitch and moan about it (for lack of a better word). I'm just going to save myself the frustration of trying to concisely say what I'm trying and just make another post sometime covering it.

Sorry for:

- the italics-heavy post... Just a lot of unorganized thoughts roaming through the head.
- focusing on one topic lately. Actually, no, I'm not really that sorry. There is a lot that needs to be said here. I'm trying to keep it as factually based as possible from here on out, with the stuff I want the lawyers to ignore in italics. Blogging is all about a perception of a public forum, right? That and I'm pretty sure the readers here care about my local public school district and its inner-workings than the gentlemen of my dorm. Hell, who knows, maybe someone will actually care enough to read what a kid fresh out has to say. Novel idea...

And my voter-registration papers are filled out and ready to mail tomorrow morning (dependent on buying stamps). Be proud, parents.

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