Monday, December 17, 2007

HDT: better than Sportscenter

Ah yes, nothing like HD goodness in life size form. And don't get me wrong, I love seeing every dimple on Stuart Scott's head and the cheeto residue on Steven A. Smith's fingers, but Sportscenter is just an hour long. And when you watch it from 11 to 4, it gets a little monotonous.

Instead, I now see bears twice as big as me, cockroaches hiss, and (right now) watch a wolverine chow down on what looks to be a deer carcass (PETA eat your heart out) all thanks to Discovery HD Theater.

You don't wanna mess with one of these suckers.

This is starting to become a late-night ritual for me. Well, that or some super mario world (yes, on super nintendo) It almost makes me want to get off my butt, turn off the excellent programming, and actually do something radical like go outside or something. Creepy.

Theory: Quality TV should make you want to do something other than watching TV.

Food network is also great at this. I hate the Food network. It makes everything I eat seem stale and overdone. I try to avoid it but someone will inevitably flip to it and here I am, making a mental grocery list that only Mr. Jungle could possibly fill (and he may even have to make a few calls). //Small rant.

Then again, Lifetime and Hallmark channels also make me want to stop watching TV and do something else, so maybe this needs a little revision....


calencoriel said...

you only have a problem if you're watching Food network while riding your exercise bike.

That's the definition of and exercise in futility...

andrew said...

Gotta love the SNES. Super Mario Allstars is hard to beat.

Oh, and the theory is quite interesting.