Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Just to get the bad taste out of my mouth...

I hate leaving things at just hello, so I'm gonna jump right into things now. Basically, I was near the beginning of the "off to school" group in my age. I'm running on my third week now, while most state schools are just moving in this weekend. I just wanna throw out my words of wisdom (since I'm basically a senior by now... right?? RIGHT?!?)

* This guy knows what he's talking about. So does this guy (ESPECIALLY numbers 1 and 9. Seriously, meet people on the floor ASAP. And wait on the books, the best way to look like a frosh is to go to the first day of classes with a full backpack.) Which brings up the next point. Take advice from people (and ask for it). It's not high school anymore, there's no senior/frosh hazing that I have seen.
* Enjoy the first weekend. It won't be that way every weekend.

* If something is free, take it. Refreshments at a meeting?? FILL UP. You're paying thousands of dollars for that cookie and pepsi sitting there.
* The first week on the school's food will be a struggle. Don't worry, the stomach will settle eventually.

* Facebook. Get used to it. You will be on it more than you want.
*Get a hobby. If not, Facebook (yes, capital F) will become said hobby. Fear that.

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