Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's getting to be that time of year....

The crisp fall breeze is starting to show in the evenings and (sometimes) that downright cold winter chill wakes me up in the mornings. Kids are throwing footballs to their dads (and occasionally, hip moms) in backyards everywhere. Football (and with that, tailgating) season has arrived.

Just in time with that comes the homework. The papers. The projects. The tests.


Bare with me for a little while I spend most of my time on school work (sorry... priorities and such...), a little less time (for now) on this new thing called "co-op interviews," and a little less on my favorite season of the year (footbaw season).

No, this isn't a goodbye. It is not a "it's not me it's you..." type thing.

It's an "expect shorties like I have already been doing for a little while anyways," type of thing. I like those better anyways; I ramble too much on long posts.

Leaving on a bright note:

Ninja cat (its like an LOLcat, but a real, live, video...):

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