Friday, August 1, 2008

Apparently Whtie is the new White....

and yes, I was correct in my assumption. The Reds screwed this one up. However, at the time of my assuming this, I didn't know the whole Griffey vs. the guys in the booth hurrah , so I guess it was more of a knee jerk get-this-guy out of town thing on ole' Bobby's part.

And that sucks. Griffey was the only sure fire trade option at this point, given Arroyo's recent sucking (thus ruining is trade value) and Dunn's hot streak (giving him a 57th chance to become the consistent deep threat the Red's need). And for him we got a mediocre at best relief pitcher and a AAA 2nd basemen with a bum back and average-on-a-good-day hitting.

Way to go for what we need, doushebags. I understand Griffey doesn't have the value he once did, but color me unimpressed.

I'd love to hear everyone else's opinion


cmorin said...

Reds weren't going to get anything out of him. He barely tries in the outfield (OK so he made top plays this weekend, he also had several he didn't even try for). His hitting has gone down a TON. No ball club would give us anything worth while.

achilles3 said...

It was hard but...
F the Reds.
I'm just gonna keep rooting for my boy and hope he does well back in the AL