In other news, I am now facebook friends with Pete Carroll. Totally JACKED AND PUMPED about this and the upcoming season. I win, forever. This is quite possibly the most creative recruiting ploy I have seen out of any coach in a while (example, his "status" today was that "Pete Carroll is loving this SoCal weather! And its only February..."). That Sampson guy should take notes.
Before I get the "it's not really him" comment, there are a few reasons to believe that he is at least in some way connected with the page. First, there is the LA Times article stating such. Also, his network is "USC Staff." For those not fimiliar with the way Facebook works, your network is decided by the email you register with. Obviously for the high school pages they will accept any old domain name. For university networks though you need a corresponding .edu address. There is also his note about him attending the premier of Semi-Pro, with a picture. As much as I hate the doushebag, this is quite a smart way to look hip and down following the recent text-messaging ban.
In other news, I love lol-animals.