Monday, July 28, 2008

I really need to do something....

I will be on the homestead this week, vacation at one of America's beautiful natural wonders: Lake Erie for a week, then have a week to get stuff together for school.

So on top of being busy, I have that other problem where nothing really happens during the summer. Example: today I work until 4:15, at which point I will hate kids, be slightly closer to a skin cancer ridden body, and exponentially closer to hanging up the ole' whistle. Side effect: 0/10 motivation to type.

Here's a fun fact: I went to the Brickyard yesterday! NASCAR is still fun, so suck my toe and can the jokes. In no other sport can you bring a radio scanner (basically a high-class name for a portable CB radio) and really get into the strategy and action of the event, maybe even hear your favorite driver drop a few f-bombs and threaten to fire his entire crew.

insert terrible paragraph transition because I cannot write anymore....AH!!!

I went in not really having a favorite driver, but definitely left with a strong liking for Dale Jr. Mainly because I am a nerd who likes to know everything. In what seems fitting with the personalities of Jimmie Johnson and Jeff Gordon, they kept radio chatter to a minimum, or just on a secure (i.e. I can't hear it) channel. No fun. Junior on the other hand was chatting it up the whole time with his crew talking about everything from the car "driving like a Cadillac" at the beginning of the race to, "how the hell did you guys fuck this thing up so bad?!" near the end.
To be honest, it wasn't even a primadona why isn't my car the shiznit type thing, but more of a, you guys are usually really good at this type of thing, what happened? type of thing.

Nearly 5 minutes after flipping shit, Junior would be right back on the radio talking about how, "fucking pumped up [he] is," and how," all this horseshit comes to this."

I love a guy that just tells it like it is.

Oh, and what the hell happened between him and Jeff Burton, because holy crap Junior really doesn't like him much.

And yes, the tire issue sucked major ballz.

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

That's REALLY cool to hear that Jr. tidbit. I don't hate him quite as much now