Friday, July 4, 2008

Duel Day pt 2

- College football or pro
- Home cooking or order out
- iTunes or other
- G-dub or Castro
- Tupac or Biggie
- Public or Private (this one will be interesting... heh)

That's about all I can think of...


cmorin said...

-College by a lot
-Home, if its my moms

PHSChemGuy said...

- College football
- Home cooking - from The Girl, though, not from me
- iTunes
- Castro - kinda by default
- yeah, neither
- Public - every day, every way, all the time

WV - brrhr - dude, that is cold

calencoriel said...

home - mine, of course
Gdub - jesus, he's not a cruel dictator, there are still checks and balances and I'm not driving a 1957 Impala
Public - except for toilets

achilles3 said... least they don't pretend to have students. but both suck
home cooking
other a lot
if the public is liberal public
if the public is dumb and scared private

achilles3 said...

this blog sux!

joey said...

can't believe 'pac (kinda) swept it

oh and chemguy, kinda late here but dr. pepper is actually not a pepsi product, they are their own entity. i always thought pepsi too, food network disagrees