I can't take it anymore. Apathy has set in. As a result, I've been perusing the Netflix Instant Watch pretty hard lately.
Which brings me to my next point.
Scarface, while admittedly pretty badass with some nice Shakespearean tragedy tones to boot, really just isn't worth all of the hype it gets in my opinion. After another viewing of it recently, I've finally figured out what it is about it that makes it so meh for me.
I can't stand the 80s. All the disco/synth transition music and creepy fashions - that I'm sure will probably be back in style by my completion of this post - and big hair really just doesn't do it for me. Probably all the Blondie Mom had be listen to as a kid (Moment of honesty: My mom didn't make me listen to that much Blondie, but IMO any Blondie is too much Blondie, so that's that). Any time I hear, see, or smell (I'm looking at you, Jellies) anything reminiscent of the 80s, I feel like I've just been hit right on the tip of where it counts, and as any guy will tell you, the tip is where it hurts the worst.
So in conclusion, I'm blaming you, 1980-1989, for my disdain of the otherwise good film Scarface.
Glad I got that off my chest.
can't WAIT for you to tell us how GREAT 00-09 was...
80's rule!
meh, 00-09 wasnt anything to write home about.
now the 90s, there was the peak of human culture ;)
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