Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bathroom Feng Shui

This is a phrase I need to add to my lexicon. This letter to Starbucks is priceless:

In other news, this is my 250th post and classes start tomorrow. Never thought a)I would get this far! and II) be excited about starting classes. Getting back into a routine is going to be nice. My guess is this attitude will change around the first time I hear the word "assignment" or "integral." Given that my first class is Fluid Dynamics... that shouldn't take long at all!


Feng Shui At Home said...

Stay cool - there are lots of Feng Shui ways to bring peace and tranquilty to even the worse bedroom :-)

joey said...

that has to be the most classic spam message to ever reach this blog. im not even mad!

achilles3 said...


