Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Viewed the watchmen

....Because I hate stupid puns.

Anywho, my opinion formed after reading the book stands:

Reproduced for your convenience:

The only thing that has me really worried about a movie adaptation is that you can't really take much out of it without really losing a solid chunk what makes this book great. The fact that it all fits together so well, almost like a good 1500 piece puzzle, is partly what is so rewarding. It's almost like Lord of the Rings in that a whole world was created. Who knows though. There's a reason they always say, "the book was better."

And that's that. Either way, $20 well spent. On that note, movies are way, way, way, way, way, [way]x10^999999999 too expensive. Call it bass-ackwards logic if you want, but the more expensive movies get, the more I'm going to visit piratebay. Arr matey.

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