Thursday, December 11, 2008

Taking some time out of my procrastination....

I understand that pretty much everyone here also frequents a couple other blogs ("couple" being used in a very broad way...). There are only maybe one or two readers that I can think of that may just give sole homage to me. Those people are pretty stupid because honestly, this this is pretty boring on the scale of blogdom.

This is one that is not:

No, its not the weird political 42 cents blog, though the author does address this.

The premise is simple. Taken from the website:
"The Correspondent writes a real letter and posts it each weekday. Bookmark the page and subscribe to the RSS feed to receive daily content. Please share the page with friends and family, so that they, too, may come to expect correspondence. If you have any comments or suggestions, both are welcome via the comment links below each letter."

My personal favorites, the letter to the first grade, Val Kilmer, and the Ice Mountain Water one (mainly good because, sometimes, the companies will reply back).

Lessons learned from this blog: write letters to companies, they usually give away free stuff. Also, a lot more people than I had imagined enjoy a personal letter from someone completely anonymous.

Fun stuff, check it out.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two classes (all but) done

Both were classes where we essentially had a semester long project, and everything in each was dedicated to said project.

One (Intro to flight) ended up being a 71 page report of sorts, the other (my last CAD class) fills a binder full of schematics. I don't even know what schematics are but I have a binder full of them.

Donezo. Also, both I turned in a little early for some honestly pretty redic. extra credit (considering the grade for each is all but my final semester grade).

I have drank three times more cans of energy drinks and cups of coffee than I have had hours of sleep this week. I think I deserve some Chipotle.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fun gross fact of the day

Taurine, the stuff they cram in energy drinks that I consume way too much, is also a major constituent of bile.

Just ask wikipedia (actually cited by seemingly academic sources too!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Finals Week Eve [slash] Finals Week

You guys know the drill, I suck. This week and next will be sporadic with school really picking up, then with the holidays I will probably take some R&R.

I'll post some shorties here and there, but as always, this is fairly high on the list of things to go (don't worry, Mom, PS3 is too) when the going gets rough.

The good news (that I'm not sure if I have mentioned here yet; if I have, ignore me) is that I will be home next semester working at GE (the "Aviation" portion) getting some much needed on-the-job training and making some serious dough stacks in the process. Well, compared to my current job of unemployed. I get to use my favorite division problem here: my pay rate increase will be x/0. Undefined ftw!

Anywho, back to finishing up these end of semester projects. Hollaaaaa

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

And in honor of my consistently sporadic and late posting, this is a day late!!!